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Welcome to intelligent Tabular Task Analysis with aTTAin


  • 'Collection'. The set of worksheets defined in the Collection table, on the ‘Data’ worksheet.
  • 'Task number'. The structured number of the task, such as TA3\3.12.1, where TA3 is the alias of the worksheet in the Collection table.
  • 'Task description'. The text describing the task.
  • ‘Current task’. The task selected by clicking on its row, or any of its associated data.

Button ____________ Meaning ____________________________________________________________________________________
Moves the current task to the hierarchical level of its parent. Hold down <Ctrl> to leave any subtasks behind.
Moves the current task to the level of its subtasks. Hold down <Ctrl> to leave any subtasks behind.
Moves the current task above the previous task at its level in the hierarchy. Hold down <Ctrl> to leave any subtasks behind.
Moves the current task below the next task at its level in the hierarchy. Hold down <Ctrl> to leave any subtasks behind.
Renumber tasks Renumbers the tasks in the active sheet.
Go to referenced task Moves to the task referenced in the selected cell, with the option of staying there.
Show/Hide subtasks Hides or shows the subtasks of the selected task (if any). Column A contains ▼ if subtasks are hidden.
Magnifying glass Searches for a task
Insert task Inserts below the selected task a new task, a reference to an extant task, a copy of an extant task or a relocation of an extant task
Delete task Deletes the selected task, unless there is a reference to it (or to one of its subtasks) elsewhere in the collection.
Check data Searches the columns whose headings are selected for missing or conflicting data
Question mark Shows this Help
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